Name(Required) First Last Annual Renewal for Volunteers please check each below: *** Please keep 2023 Volunteer Handbook with you at your home for future reference.Initial 2023 Volunteer Handbook- I acknowledge I received a volunteer handbook.Initial 2023 Volunteer Hours- I can submit hours to Director of Volunteers monthly. Initial 2023 Statement of Faith- I agree to the statement of faith. Initial 2023 Confidentiality Statement - I agree to abide by the Confidentiality Statement. Initial 2023 Conflict of Interest- I acknowledge there is no conflict of interest. Additional Accommodations or Notes I commit to abide by policies including non-discrimination, confidentiality, boundaries, and code of ethics. Date MM slash DD slash YYYY SignatureSecurity Question (Submit button will appear after answer is entered) : 7 + 4 = Thank you, Agape House of Prescott