Agape House of Prescott provides individual housing for homeless families so they can stay together. Most area programs that serve the homeless population split between gender and age, which is highly respected and well perceived, however there is also a growing homeless family dynamic that the area shelters are not able to accommodate: large families, single men with children, or single mothers with teenage boys.
At Agape House we offer families six months to get back up on their feet. A unique “Pathway To Independence” is laid out for each family. It is not an easy or carefree program. Most of our residents are employed, all of our residents have children and homes to maintain. Each resident is required to meet with a mentor weekly and take life skills classes.
We are kingdom minded and always offer hope and answers to life’s questions through the Bible. Though church attendance is not required, it is highly encouraged. The spiritual care team meets with each family routinely to offer prayer, hope, and Biblical guidance unique to the family’s circumstances. We encourage individuals to seek outside professional counseling in regards to relationships, emotional care, previous abuse, and past hurts or obstacles. Each resident family is encouraged to establish a healthy support system, budgeting is taught, a firm spending plan created and implemented, and organizational and time management skills are established.
This time allows residents to repair their credit score as well as get and stay on budget/spending plan. It also allows them the freedom to be able to save enough money for first and last month’s rent at the end of their stay at Agape House. This time of assistance and mentoring allows residents the time to overcome life circumstances, past hurts and hurdles and truly lay a foundation of self-sufficiency and independence.
How long ago did Agape House start?
Agape House of Prescott was founded in 2013.
What area does Agape House serve?
We have families housed throughout the Prescott Quad Cities area.
Do you offer beds for short-term stays?
Agape House is NOT a shelter, so we don’t offer beds for a few nights. If you are in need, or know someone who is in need of long-term help with transitional housing, contact Agape House at (928) 910-1089
How do you keep families together?
A typical shelter is not equipped to have men and women stay in the same facility together, so a couple is required to stay in separate men and women shelters. Agape House of Prescott actively seeks to keep the families together while helping facilitate additional support services in order to equip the families for an independent and self-sustained future.
How can I help?
Agape House needs volunteers, donations, and prayer. We have numerous events each year that we need volunteer assistance. We also need help moving and cleaning when families move into their new home. Plus, we need help mentoring. Contact Agape House for more info on volunteer opportunities. It takes roughly $68 to house a family for a week, so donations are necessary and appreciated. Above all, we need prayer. Without Christ as our leader, we wouldn’t have direction or be able to help the families in need.