Extraordinary Day of Service
The recent Day of Service was extraordinary, with nearly 60 children ranging from K-8 from the Prescott Adventist Christian School, including participation from their homeschool extension! Their very caring and tender hearts spoke openly and creatively about ways they could serve their neighbors, similar to Matthew 25: 31-46. They creatively considered ways to help their neighbors who may be hungry, thirsty, a stranger without a home, or those needing clothing, and to visit and remember the imprisoned and sick.
While at Agape House, they helped dig a ditch, sanded down the picnic tables, rerouted some water, and cleared 18 bags of weeds and debris from the Agapeville campus. We are very grateful for the landscaping, repainting, and spring cleaning!
Thank you PACS!!! To see additional photos please visit their Facebook page HERE
From Julie, Agape House Volunteer Director
My role with the children was to help oversee their creative sides, coloring a picture of a home and decorating cookies. They got busy quickly and displayed their idea of what a home should be, along with a special Bible verse. After completing their masterpieces, they happily navigated to the cookie-decorating table. Here, they could create and decorate one for themselves and one for either a friend or a resident of Agapeville. There was no sugar shortage regarding the volume of sugar sprinkles and frosting on these cookies. What I found to be a true blessing was how tender-hearted these children were to each other. Not only in their conversations but also about God and what He can do in our lives. One young girl caught my attention as she tenderly cared for an earthworm, which she held gingerly in her tiny little hand. It had been unearthed during the outdoor cleanup part of the project. Her joy at this little creature was unmistakable, and nothing would deter her from keeping her newly acquired pet from harm. She found a way to keep it close and refused to release it to anyone else. In the other hand, she decorated a magnificent specimen of a cookie for her mom. It was covered in various colorful sugar sprinkles and loaded onto a base of flavorful frosting. Mom would no doubt feel very special to receive this gift. The gift was a true reflection of her unconditional love for her mom! Her desire to create something special for her mom while keeping the earthworm safe showed brightly in her eyes and smile.
It made me reflect on how God loves and cares for us, holds us close to Him, and wants to keep us safe from harm. As He holds us, He also has created and prepared a glorious place for us, perhaps not decorated with sugar sprinkles, but undoubtedly much better and sweeter than we can ever imagine. His gift of salvation through the blood of Christ is an absolute act of pure love, and once accepted, is never lost.