If you want to have a humbling moment, just Google “What is it like to be homeless” and your screen will be filled with stories from people who have at some time in their life endured being homeless. Stories about how they would sleep in their car that they would park at a 24-hour gym, and put a ‘For Sale’ sign in their car window so they wouldn’t be asked to move along. Stories about the fear they felt when they would sleep in abandoned buildings. Stories of being mugged when they were asked to hand over everything they had, and when they couldn’t produce anything, they were beat up.
One homeless man shared that when someone gave him a simple bag of toiletries, it was the change he needed to get back on his feet. The quote that jumped off the screen to me was, “I’m so thankful for all who have helped me when I needed it and the people who helped shaped me into the man I am today.” The simple act of someone caring helped him climb out of his situation and is now living a prosperous life. That is what Agape House of Prescott does, we help people in need.
Real Story of a Homeless Single Father in Prescott
Agape House recently helped a single father of three children that had been living in their car. Fortunately, with money from our donors, the Agape House was able to provide them a place to stay. The volunteer team was able to find and pay for a two-bedroom apartment and was also able to pay for their utilities.
One of the men who volunteers at Agape was able to mentor this father. He was able to place seeds into the soil of this gentleman’s heart. Seeds that will take some time to grow. As an Agape mentor, it is wonderful to realize that sometimes the seeds that are planted spring quickly, other times the seeds require nurturing. Either way, the seeds that are planted grow in countless ways and for generations to come.
The family is thriving. They are a community-oriented family, and have been able to give back to Prescott. The three students are doing well in school and are often found at community events. The father works hard and is doing a wonderful job caring for his family.
As most families do, he has some challenges in life. There are some experiences that were handed to him that he is not able to give away. It is wonderful to watch him make a sincere effort to raise his children to the best he knows how. Would you join us and pray for him and his children?
This is just one story of homelessness that is in our own backyard, the big city isn’t the only place where homelessness is a problem. Prescott’s homelessness is a problem. We are thankful to our donors and volunteers that work hard to make a difference in the lives of families in crisis. If you would like to learn more about how Agape House can use your help, please contact us today!