We welcome our BRAND NEW Golden Corporate Sponsor . . .
Burgie’s Plumbing
Thank you for the #AZGivesDay2021 donation. Recently we met Burgie’s Plumbing through Megan at P.V. BNI – Success Connectors. We love how God works through all the details!
The momentum continues to build as together we unite as more businesses step forward to support and unite with our community to change the face of homelessness.
#BNI #BreakTheCycle #BusinessSupport #AZGivesDay #TogetherWeCan #GiversJoy #LoveOneAnother
#AgapeHousePrescott #KeepingFamiliesTogether #TransformingLives #FaithHopeLoveHousing
#EndHomelessness #HomelessAwareness #Prescott #BePartoftheSolution #MakeADifference #Community