It is an incredible understatement to say that mentoring, discipleship, and teaching our Agape families is hard work. Work that takes knowledge, compassion, and a heart for the Lord. We were fortunate to have Diane in that role for several years. Sadly, Diane recently moved out-of-state. Diane’s smile and passion will be missed, her heart for Agape House was infectious. As always, God provides. Agape House was blessed to have Vicki take over for Diane and continue the work of caring for families. Work that Agape House is so very passionate about.
About Vicki
Vicki is the Resident Care Director at Agape House. Vicki has been married for 25 years and has two wonderful grown children.
Vicki has worked as a School Health Specialist at an Elementary school for 10 years, 6 years as a Behavioral Health Specialist, a High School Transition Specialist, and a Home Base Visitor for Early Head Start Programs.
Vicki truly feels the work at Agape House is what God has been preparing her for all these years. “I am truly blessed to be part of the Agape House team. I love working with families and watching them grow in confidence, strength, courage, and in faith!”
Report from Vicki
The last couple of months Agape House has been very blessed. We have been able to witness Gods work with four incredible families. Being new at Agape House it amazes me every time I see something happen, knowing it’s a gift from above.
*A single mom has been working towards reunification with her daughter. This mom has worked sohard and it has paid off! Her and her daughter will be a family again in June!! Mom has been studying her driver’s manual to obtain her drivers permit and after several attempts she passed. Mom is looking forward to purchasing a car later down the road. To achieve that goal, she is currently asking for more hours at work to save for the car.
*Mom of four children needed extensive dental work. A local dental office allowed her to make payments, she has almost finished paying the bill. Her daughter received promotion at work and just bought her first car!
*A mom with two children was in a very harmful relationship. Mom is in the process of healing, finding her faith again, has stability in her home for the first time, and she is learning to trust others again.
*A single mom found support from her sister in another state. Her sister offered her and her children a safe place to stay and a fresh start!
God is so good to these families!!!
How Agape House Helps
We teach the PATHWAY to Independence. First, we provide stability within the first 30 days, then they progress and take care of personal wellness. After self-confidence has been added into the equation, Agape House begins to teach life-skills and end with a plan for a sustainable independent future.
Agape House provides both time and togetherness. The TIME factor is crucial. This is not an easy fix, nor an overnight fix. We believe that on average it will take about 6 to 12 months to establish a healthy routine, create a savings acct balance sustainable to provide first and last month’s rent, and teach sustainable life skills.