Agape House of Prescott is currently serving 6 families including…
2 infants
4 toddlers
7 elementary
5 teens
2 young adults
4 single moms
1 married couple
1 single father
The face of the homeless is not who you may think. The most common person served through Agape House are elementary-age children & babies.
We are currently serving the needs of 13 babies & elementary children.
Our mission is to change the face of homelessness. Agape House of Prescott works tirelessly to keep families together as they overcome homelessness, without ever splitting them up.
Come, be part of the solution at
#GodsGift #ChildrenArePriceless #AgapeHousePrescott #PathwayToIndependence #KeepingFamiliesTogether #TransformingLives #FaithHopeLoveHousing