Working with the mentors and staff at Agape House for several years, I have heard many volunteers say, “Life is Tough, Good Thing You Are Tougher!” That is an incredibly true statement for Agape House residents; we could make a banner that flies high above the Agape House Apartments proclaiming the mantra.
The residents of Agape House are dedicated to rebuilding their lives. They are transforming their lives into a life of independence. Of course, they are grateful for a warm place to live and food on the table, but the process extends way beyond the physical provisions. The method of journeying down the Pathway to Independence is a heart journey. Tough decisions, tough sacrifices, and rewiring how they think and approach life are all a part of the process. Hence, that is where the phrase, “Life is Tough, Good Thing You Are Tougher!” applies.
The most common age that Agape House serves is elementary children and babies. Within the 6 families that the Agape House team is currently serving, there are 13 of this age group in our program. These families include 2 infants, 4 toddlers, 7 elementary age, 5 teens, 2 young adults, 4 single moms, 1 married couple, and 1 single father. This demographic is where the unique approach of Agape House gains traction. Agape House serves the family as a whole unit. Together as a family, they overcome homelessness. Through discipleship and mentoring, the family journeys down the path to independent living. Together they make the tough choices. It is impossible not to get excited when you consider the snowball effect of these families’ future. The 86% success rate of families continuing to live independently 1 year after completing the program is a testament to the family’s hard work.
“I have 2 jobs, 3 kids at 3 separate schools. I have CLEARED my probation! I am OVERCOMING
a past record and I have been SOBER for 6 years!”
— Agape House Resident
The face of the homeless is not who you may think. The homeless are people who find themselves in economic despair. They are students at Yavapai College, Bradshaw and Prescott High School, in Prescott area elementary schools. The homeless are serving you at restaurants, helping you at the Thrift Stores and Grocery Stores, and working on Construction sites. They are families living on friend’s couches, living in the forest, in parking lots, and trying to manage a family while their ‘home’ is a car.
Agape House of Prescott serving them with love and support and shares the hope of Jesus with them.
“Hope can cure nearly anything . . . when hope dies, despair will overwhelm.” — Billy Graham